We initially liked the mannequin merging into the background but then we started to notice that the locations when arranged, looked like a projected outfit on to the mannequin. This really excited me, I loved the way it looked. And because of our previous group work using a projector we had the ability to work well technically as photographers. It was really interesting that nothing was real in this shoot, yet the images are really strong and I think interesting.
I find studio photography with just a plain background quite uninspiring so doing this helped me feel creative. We took turns in arranging the projector to create the look of an outfit which was really fun. We also tried out having a flash light so that the background would be bleached out yet the projection on the mannequin would remain. After seeing the results myself and Adam gained some of the backgrounds give the mannequin a tribal look especially with the way the locations give her a mask. This is something to think about with regards to styling and colours with regards to the matchbox.

Though I love this idea and the results of the test shoot there can't be any styling done by the stylist unfortunately as it is done by the movement of the image on the projector. Though myself and Adam have both agreed to continue with this project as we like how it looks.

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